$ go run main.go
Hello, Breizh Camp ! Go version :1.22.4
$ go run main.go
Need go version between 1.16.0 and 1.16.15
exit status 1
git clone https://github.com/asdf-vm/asdf.git ~/.asdf --branch v0.14.0
echo . "$HOME/.asdf/asdf.sh" > ~/.bashrc
echo . "$HOME/.asdf/completions/asdf.bash" > ~/.bashrc
asdf plugin-add <plugin-name> <optional-repo-url>
$ cat .tool-versions
go 1.16.15
asdf install <plugin> <version>
asdf install go 1.16.15
asdf install
├── code/
│ ├── go1.16/
│ │ └── .tool-versions
│ └── go1.22/
│ └── .tool-versions
├── .tool-versions
$ asdf global <outil> <version>
$ asdf local <outil> <version>
$ ls ~/.asdf/shims/
go gofmt
$ cat ~/.asdf/shims/go
#!/usr/bin/env bash
exec /home/s.metayer/.asdf/bin/asdf exec "go" "$@"
$ ls ~/.asdf/installs/golang/1.16.15/bin -al
bash setup.bash
Setting up plugin: asdf-go
author: Sylvain
plugin repo: https://github.com/sylvainmetayer/asdf-go
license: https://choosealicense.com/licenses/mit/
go github: https://github.com/golang/go
go docs: https://github.com/golang/go
go test: `go version`
After confirmation, the `main` will be replaced with the generated
template using the above information. Please ensure all seems correct.
Type `yes` if you want to continue.
git push --force-with-lease && git grep TODO
├── bin
│ ├── download
│ ├── install
│ ├── latest-stable
│ └── list-all
├── lib
│ └── utils.bash
├── README.md
TOOL_TEST="go version"
sort_versions() { /* ... */ }
list_all_versions() {/* ... */ }
download_release() {/* ... */ }
install_version() {/* ... */ }
download_release "$ASDF_INSTALL_VERSION" "$release_file"
tar -xzf "$release_file" -C "$ASDF_DOWNLOAD_PATH" --strip-components=1
rm "$release_file"
download_release() {
local version filename url
local platform=""
local arch=""
curl "${curl_opts[@]}" -o "$filename" -C - "$url" || fail "Could not download $url"
install_version() {
local install_type="$1"
local version="$2"
local install_path="${3%/bin}"
mkdir -p "$install_path"
cp -r "$ASDF_DOWNLOAD_PATH"/* "$install_path"
test -x "$install_path/bin/$TOOL_NAME" || fail "Expected $install_path/$tool_cmd to be executable."
echo "$TOOL_NAME $version installation was successful!"
list_all_versions | sort_versions
sort_versions() { /* regex magic */ }
list_all_versions() {
git ls-remote --tags --refs "$GH_REPO" "go*"
curl -s https://go.dev/dl/?mode=json | jq -r '.[0].version' | cut -d "o" -f 2
$ curl -s https://go.dev/dl/?mode=json | jq
"version": "go1.22.4",
# [...]
asdf plugin test go https://github.com/sylvainmetayer/asdf-go.git "go version"
asdf plugin add asdf-plugin-manager https://github.com/asdf-community/asdf-plugin-manager.git
asdf plugin update asdf-plugin-manager v1.3.1
asdf install asdf-plugin-manager 1.3.1
asdf global asdf-plugin-manager 1.3.1
asdf-plugin-manager version
[…] the only plugin you need to validate manually, and the .plugin-versions file will be the source of truth for asdf plugins. Yes, this is an asdf plugin to manage asdf plugins!
# plugin-name git-url git-ref (hash, tag, or branch)
go https://github.com/sylvainmetayer/asdf-go main
asdf-plugin-manager add <plugin-name>
asdf-plugin-manager add-all
asdf-plugin-manager update <plugin-name>
asdf-plugin-manager update-all
asdf-plugin-manager remove <plugin-name>
asdf-plugin-manager remove-all